I will be sharing further thoughts on the recently posted draft of the Villa Park Comprehensive Plan in the near future, though for now I can say I am very excited for what the plan lays out for the potential future of our town. The village is accepting public comment via the plan website.
Economic Development
- I think Villa Park needs to lean into our geographical strengths and connections via highways and transit, including Metra and Pace, to draw new residents and businesses to our town. The village should attract businesses that residents need and want to shop at, and support existing businesses so they can thrive.
- I also support the resources that make Villa Park a great place to live, like our schools, parks, library, police, and fire departments.
Multi-modal Transit and Safety
- Study strategic intersections where accidents are more common or where pedestrian crossings are frequent that would benefit from traffic calming design elements to improve driving behavior and increase safety for drivers and pedestrians alike.
- Work on core routes and amenities throughout the town with bicycle-focused improvements to encourage more cycling for residents of all ages.
Thoughtful Upzoning
- Increase housing supply and commercial spaces that are in close proximity to key areas near the Metra station, Ardmore, and Villa Business Districts. There are some ideas outlined in the latest draft of the Comprehensive Plan regarding this.
Communication and Transparency
- Streamline and increase communication across channels for:
- Infrastructure projects
- One spot to find information about upcoming and active work.
- Improved communication about delayed projects e.g. road or water main improvements held up due to funding issues beyond village control
- Larger residential projects
- New businesses coming to town or building up existing presence
- Infrastructure projects