About the Candidate

headshot of Greg Macek

I am a 16-year resident of Villa Park and am running for Village Trustee. I have more than two decades of leadership experience in my professional career and community organizations and know how to collaborate and solve complex challenges with others. Among my goals is keeping us focused on continuing to improve all modes of transit, particularly pedestrian, bike, and mass transit available within our village, building more housing of all types, and encouraging businesses to make Villa Park home.

Professional background

I have 25 years of experience in technology and marketing. I spent nearly 20 years at a small marketing agency doing nearly every IT-related function you can think of: coding, helpdesk, running cables, coordinating office moves, and more. In that time, I also gained significant experience in working in team and group settings internally, with vendors, and with clients to bring projects to fruition. Communication was a key component of the job, especially when working with people whose functions weren’t in the same field as my own.

Currently, I am the Associate Director of Web and Digital Operations in the marketing department at my organization, which is the higher education space. I’m involved in managing several university websites and related integrated technologies and marketing efforts such as email and social.

I completed my undergraduate degree from North Central College with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

In March 2025, I am starting a graduate certificate program in organizational leadership at The Chicago School which will further enhance my skills and abilities to serve as a village trustee.

Why run for village trustee? Why vote for Greg Macek?

Because I told myself this must be just like training for and running marathons, obviously. 🙂

Greg Macek running on a trail in a half marathon

(Obligatory photo of me actually running – Fox River Half Marathon May 2024)

About a year ago, I became interested in finding ways to get more involved locally, spurred on when the village hosted open sessions and welcomed input on the new Comprehensive Plan. I also attended a few meetings for the BPT (Bike, Pedestrian, and Transit) subcommittee to hear more about how we can continue to build upon and improve infrastructure for residents – and visitors – all modes of transportation.

It’s easy to focus on the news and actions of the state or federal governments, but there is a lot of work to be done at our community level that directly impacts our daily lives. I want to be part of that work.

Like every person running for an elected position, I have thoughts about what would best benefit Villa Park. My promise is to bring a level-headed approach to every decision and vote. I will also not pretend to know everything. If I don’t have all the information available to me, I will seek out information until I can make an informed decision. I have always approached my professional life in teams and leadership roles by listening to voices in the room and deferring to subject matter experts. My voice does not need to be the loudest in the room.

I welcome messages if you want to learn more about me and discuss what you think Villa Park needs moving forward. My experience living here is only one perspective, and I believe that all perspectives should have a chance to be heard.

You can find me around town at some of my favorite hangs, whether it’s picking up wings at Dak Dak, hanging out at Villa Perk with a London fog latte and a book, or enjoying a beverage at Standard Meadery. And as the weather gets slightly warmer, you will find me literally running around town – and especially along the Prairie Path – as I train for several races this year.

What issues are important to me?

You can read an overview of some issues and topics that I find important and will focus on as trustee here.

Meet Me in Person

I will be participating in two events hosted by groups in town that other candidates will also be attending and hosting a meet and greet. I look forward to hearing from you and talking with you.

Tuesday, February 25, 6PM – Islamic Foundation Local Candidates Forum

300 West Highridge Rd

Thursday, March 6, 6PM – Candidate Meet and Greet at Standard Meadery

11 W Park Blvd

Tuesday, March 11, 6:30PM – Villa Park Women’s Political Forum

DeVine’s Event Space (339 E Kenilworth Ave)